Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tiny Antique Chair

Antique Chair Before
Antique Chair After
A nice woman had contacted about a small chair she had wanted refinished. The chair had been caned at one time, but had since been reupholstered, a seat had replaced the caning. The replaced seat cushion had been done a very long time ago. She said the chair was very old, but didn't know how old. I told her I guessed it was from the 19th Century because of its structure and the way it was put together.

She simply wanted the seat cushion fabric replaced and the wood refreshed. I removed the old seat and replaced the fabric with a lovely paisley tapestry fabric I had left over from a previous job. It was the perfect color and texture for this chair. I completely sanded and stripped the wood and made minor repairs to the bottom rails (they were a bit wobbly) and then stained the chair with red mahogany. Once complete, this little chair became a real beauty.

My customer was thrilled! She also purchased another chair from me and I supplied her with additional fabric so that the two chairs, while different in design, had the same seat so they could be used as a pair. This was a fun project as I'm always pleased to make my customers smile.

Antique Chair Seat Before
Antique Chair Seat After


  1. I've always wanted to learn how to refurbish antique furniture. I would agree that this chair looks like it's from the early 19th century. Did this chair happen to have a maker printed on the back anywhere? Some of these early pieces are worth a lot of money. Great work Rene, I would love to see more of your projects!

  2. I have some old furniture I inherited. There are some great aspects to them, but they just aren't in great condition. I would love to be able to know how I can restore them, while still keeping their character.
    Gary Puntman |

  3. Perhaps I could do them for you. Where do you live? Maybe you could ship them to me. You can send photos and I could give you an estimate.
